Once you add your existing business contacts to RoloCRM, the next thing to do is invite your team members to start using RoloCRM.
The image below shows you how to invite your team members using the RoloCRM Android app
The GIF below shows you how to invite your team members from RoloCRM on the desktop
After you have invited your team members and they have joined, the next thing to do is to assign customer contacts to them as appropriate. Instructions for this can be found here.
- You can add team members mapped to User, Supervisor or Admin profiles. Supervisor and Admin profiles can access all the contacts and interactions related to Users in the team. Admin users have additional access to Billing information.
- Once you add a Team member, he/ she will receive and invitation to join RoloCRM as your team member. "Invite sent" is the status update that appears against a Team member till the time he/ she validates their email address.
- Only if a team member has validated their email address, can contacts be assigned to them.