It depends on how you use RoloCRM.
If you integrate RoloCRM with a third-party CRM (i.e. if you integrate RoloCRM with a third-party CRM like Hubspot or Zoho)
When you use RoloCRM with Zoho, Hubspot or Freshsales, all your information is stored on the respective CRM's servers. However, we do store some information on our servers for temporary processing.
- We store data related to Events/Reminders, temporarily on our server, to synchronize across multiple devices belonging to a user. For example, we make sure that an active reminder fires on only one of the devices.
- We store data related to scheduled SMS, temporarily on our server, to synchronize across multiple devices belonging to a user. For example, we make sure that the SMS is sent from only one of the devices.
- We store scanned information from the business card scanner service, temporarily on our server, so this can be added as a contact on the CRM
If you use RoloCRM on a Standalone basis (i.e. you do NOT integrate RoloCRM with a third-party CRM like Hubspot or Zoho)
Information about your customers and your interactions with them are stored on our servers for easy access from both desktop and mobile.